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Select Design

Postcard for Women's Forest Sanctuary

Poster image used for digital streaming of documentary film

Poster concept art for documentary film

Image from forthcoming book

Image from forthcoming book

Image from forthcoming book

Logo for film documentary film website

Logo concept design for documentary film

Logo concept design for documentary film

Business card design back

Business card design front

Logo and business card for Dreamfilms

Logo for Mozzi Media and Property

Title design for Salvation Army video

DVD design for the Salvation Army

Motion graphics for short film, Betrayal.

Title design and motion graphics for video, "Bag Wars.

Stop motion and motion graphic design for documentary, "what brand are you?"

Image composite for documentary, "what brand are you?"

Image composite and motion graphics for documentary, "what brand are you?"

Motion graphic design for documentary, "what brand are you?"

Image design for gallery exhibit "Reveal"

Invitation to Reveal

Final design for exhibit called "Reveal"

Logo and website design. Inspired by a book format.

Image for gallery exhibit called "Plots"

Invitation to Plots

Final design for exhibit called "Plots"


Image composite for documentary, "what brand are you?"


Motion design for Salvos Stores video


Zazzle Logo Concept Art

Image composite and motion graphic design for St. George Bank video

Art print in steel for auto mechanic's garage

Image composite and motion graphic design for short film, "381/2"

Canvas art print

Canvas art print

Steel art print

Logo design

Logo and business card front

Logo and business card back

Title design for Your Country Camp video

Title design for Earthdance Australia video

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